Not the cleaning product of course but a manga that has been also adapted into an anime series. I must say, personally, im quite

a fan of Bleach (ブリーチ) so im starting with this one.
Basically (Oh theres always basics) a teenage boy named Ichigo Kurosaki lives with his two sisters (Karin, Yuzu) and his, might i add, very annoying father. They run a family medical clinic in Karakura town and their Mother (Spoiler) died from death to a "Hollow"
The story unfolds when Ru
kia Kuchiki (朽木 ルキア,) appears in Ichigos' bedroom and is stuned by the fact that he can see her (Dun..Dun..DUN. Yes). They are suddenly interrupted by a "Hollow" a demon race in the anime Bleach that devours souls (Creepy.) Of course Ichigos family's lives are put at sudden risk, held out like bait to a shark. Being a hot headed red head (no pun intended nor offence given), Ichigo tries to fight the Hollow himself (what a fool huh?), Rukia suddenly protects him from the Hollow which gives her a sudden injury to the shoulder area. This is when Ichigo becomes a "Soul Reaper" by inserting Rukia's "Soul Slayer" (AKA Sword) into his chest, resulting in total theifery to her powers. He beats the Hollow (well we saw that coming) and the story unfolds from a simple greeting of names.

In general Bleach is jam packed with great characters and more to meet along the way! With lots of uh, slaying, of Hollows, Funny Bits and general some slap happy humour. But it's also filled with serious plots and missions. Especially when (Spoiler Alert) Rukia is taken back to "Soul Society" (The place where all Soul Repears stay and train) for comitting the crime of giving her power away to a human and staying on the earth. Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Ishida, Kukaku, Hanataro and a peculiar cat set off to save her from execution.

[Chad, Orihime, Ichigo, Kukaku, Hanataro, Ishida]
Personally, my two favourite characters are Yourichi (the peculiar cats true form) and Ishida.
So i'll give a small run down on their characteristics.
Yoruichi Shihōin
Yoruichi is known as the "
Goddess of Flash"
, (Not like flashing that you would become arrested for) using flash steps (瞬歩, shunpo), a high speed movement ability. She can transform into a black cat with a very deep voice which confuses characters with her gender when she takes this form. She decides to train Ichigo and appears quite alot in the Anime. In my own opinion she kicks some serious ass.
Uryū Ishida
Ishida is known as the somewhat "
geek", of the group. He's usually found using intellegence to help the missions move along. Ishida is a "Quincy", a clan of humans who use their powers to combat Hollows and protect humans. Soul Repears purify the souls of Hollows so that they can finally rest in peace but Quincys kill the Hollow and Soul. This forms a dislike between Ishida and Ichigo at the beginning as Quincys dispise Soul Repears.
Bleach contains some very good music in the openning/ending credits and during the show. Bands such as 'High And Mighty Colour' and 'Shiro Sagisu' who mainly do instrumentals throughout.
Overall Bleach is a great anime thats worth checking out!
I give it an overall rating of..(Drum Roll Please) 9/10!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks for checking out my first review! Stay tuned for next anime review of, "Pita Ten".
[Chuckle Corner]